Landscape :: Applications :: Maintenance :: Dallas, Texas and Surrounding Areas

Maintenance - Additional Services

Additional Maintenance Services

Estimates for these additional services can be provided upon request with final cost based on actual labor and materials.

Mulch Installation:

This service is usually done just before spring arrives, but can be done anytime. Mulch is an organic covering of the soil that has numerous benefits such as: conserving soil temperature, preventing weeds, regulating soil temperature, reducing erosion, adding nutrients, and improving appearance. We suggest the use of Shredded Hardwood Mulch for its outstanding look and performance.

Leaf Gutter Clean Outs:

This is done during and after leaves have fallen. Gutters will be blown free of all leaves and debris so they will be able to work properly.

Winter Rye Over-seeding:

This service is usually performed in the month of October. It consists of scalping the grass down on a low setting of (1 1/2 inches). All grass clippings will be bagged and hauled off. After scalping is done the yard will be over-seeded with a winter rye blend of grass seed. Lawn care starter fertilization is also recommended at this time.

Seasonal Color:

This service is usually performed twice annually, once in the spring and again in the fall. This service includes the removal of existing flowers, cultivating the flowerbeds, and installation of new flowers with color star fertilizer. Please visit our seasonal color order form to place your order today.

Sprinkler System Checks:

This service can be done at anytime, but is recommended on a regular schedule every 3 to 4 months. It consists of checking each station, straightening nozzles, cleaning nozzles if necessary, and diagnosing troubled parts of the system. After check has been completed the clock will be set, start time set, days to water set, station times adjusted, and recommendations will be given.

Tree Deep Root Feedings:

This treatment is usually done close to the end of the year just before winter, but can be done in spring as well. It consists of injecting a slow released liquid fertilizer into the soil all around the tree drip line. This is recommended once a year to keep all established trees healthy and happy.

For lawn fertilization, pest control or core aeration please visit our Applications page.